2021 Regional Plan Amendment Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) Comment Form

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Thank you for your interest in commenting on the Draft SEIR for the 2021 Regional Plan Amendment. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your comment(s) will be part of the official public record.

You may submit multiple comments using this form by following the prompts. You may provide your contact information or choose to remain anonymous.

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As the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SANDAG is preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the 2021 Regional Plan Amendment. The Draft SEIR will be available for public review and comment from July 13, 2023 through August 26, 2023.

For more information, visit sandag.org/2021RegionalPlanAmendment. To submit comments using a different method:

  • Email comments RegionalPlanAmendment@sandag.org, with the subject, "Draft SEIR".
  • Mail written comments to: SANDAG Regional Plan Amendment, 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101, C/O Kirsten Uchitel, Associate Planner.
Comments received through social media are not considered part of the official document record. View SANDAG's Social Media Terms of Use for more information on this policy.

The public comment period has closed for this project.